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Unendliche Hamonie des Energiefeldes
In dieser Meditation segnest du dein Energiefeld / deine Aura. Dieses Feld ordnet deinen physischen Körper an.
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Bundle - Erwecke den Tag
Diese Meditationspraxis bietet dir die Möglichkeit, einen bewussten Einstieg und Abschluss in deinen Tag zu finden.
Erwecke den Abend
In dieser Abend-Mediation lässt du deinen Tag Revue passieren und richtest dich für den morgigen Tag aus und segnest dich.
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Das Szenario deiner Zukunft
In dieser Meditation schwingst du dich auf ein von dir gewünschstes Szenario ein, dass du erleben und erfahren möchtest.
Erwecke den Morgen
Diese Morgen-Meditation ermöglicht dir einen bewussten Einstieg in einen neuen Tag um somit ein neues Leben zu erschaffen.
Kollektive Wunder
Kollektive Wunder
Diese Meditation wurde erschaffen, um das Potenzial kollektiver Intentionen zu entfesseln und gemeinsam Wunder zu manifestieren.

Dr. Joe Dispenza Meditationen

Abundance & Generate wealth
Move from the feeling of lack and separation into the energy of wealth and abundance!
Increase your potential
All potentials that exist in the quantum field exist as electromagnetic frequencies in the present moment.
Habits & Breaking through addictions
The hardest part about change is not making the same decisions you made the day before. 
Changing realities
Einstein said: “You can never solve problems with the same way of thinking that created them.”
Synchronize your energy:
Abundance & wealth
If we want to be creative from the field instead of on the basis of the material level, we have to go into the field.
Synchronize your energy:
If we want to be creative from the field instead of on the basis of the material level, we have to go into the field.
Synchronize your energy:
If we want to be creative from the field instead of on the basis of the material level, we have to go into the field.
Synchronize your energy:
A new life
If we want to be creative from the field instead of on the basis of the material level, we have to go into the field.
Synchronize your energy:
The mystical
Let's get out of the field
To be creative, rather than based on the material plane, we must go into the field.
Tomorrow & Evening
It's time to stop defining yourself by the past and start creating your own completely new future.
The body in a new way
Align consciousness
In contrast to Newton’s model, the quantum model does not need cause and effect; it can create an effect on its own.
The Big Walk
It's about creating a personality that the individual wants to embody in their future, because a person's personality creates their personal reality.
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